You Are Not Alone (沿途有你)

Sharon is an accomplished hard working woman, while she has a stable fiancé and bright career. Suddenly she becomes very irritable, emotional and easily out of control in mood. Reckless shopping and investments alerts Sharon’s father and her fiancé. They suspect Sharon may inherit the same illness from her mother and try to get her a doctor. After knowing that mood disorders are not deadly disease. It can be healed with medication with good care.

女強人莎朗事業愛情得意, 待人處事盡在掌握之中, 卻忽然半句不中聽的話便將辦公桌上電腦、電話及建議書怒然全掃下桌, 憤然而去!朗父與準女婿Tim見莎朗攜著大袋細袋衣物返家, 驚訝她未拆衣物已塞爆衣櫃卻又每天購物, 也追問她申請了廿多張信用黑卡, 連環購了三間內地商舖投資等。 豈料, 莎朗情緒高漲地表示購舖跟購衣物一樣, 折扣大有東西送便抵買, 當機立斷絕不能手軟才是投資之道, 完全不覺是反常行為。 Tim、朗父深知這病態會闖下大禍, 但她堅持無病無痛拒見醫生檢查。怎辦? 最後Tim上網找到「香港腦學科研學會」網頁, 千方百計帶她見醫生, 得知情緒病不是絕症, 只要悉心療理, 就好像糖尿病、高血壓等病人一樣普通, 服藥、飲食均衡, 適量運動減壓, 每天五大笑心情輕鬆, 配合不離不棄的「沿途有你」親情照顧下, 攜手共勉擊退病魔!
