
Kalai Vanen is a 62 year old, Amputee Fitness Coach with over 80 clients, and has been a fitness coach for the last 10 years. Kalai Vanen competed in the Asean Para-olympic games in 2015. Kalai has 2 grown children and a wife.

  However, life wasn’t always like this for him. In 1982, Kalai found out he had a tumour and had to be dismissed from the Singapore army in effect to that. For the next 7 years, he is in a dilemma to amputate his legs because of his mother of old age. In the cause of that, his condition worsened. The pain grew beyond physical and Kalai was running out of hope. By 1987, the tumour grew to be 32 inches wide. He is lost, distraught up till he met Jin, his then ex-classmate, now wife. 

  Kalai eventually found his purpose in life once again and proceeded with the amputation before moving forward in life. However, life wasn’t always that easy. With the lack of tertiary education, Kalai finds himself jobless. Until… A couple went up to the gym and asked him to train them. That changed his life forever.
