Mr Unfortunate

Li is a meek and introverted but hardworking office worker. One Saturday, his boss called him up and commands him to go to the office immediately. A series of misfortune befalls him as he struggles to work. He reaches his work place only to find out that his boss wants him to do something trivial. Finally he explodes in rage…

Li 是個為人性格溫文,但他卻是個勤勞的上班族。在一個美麗的週六,他接到了老闆的來電並指示他立刻回到公司去。在他奮力趕去的路途中,一連串的倒霉事情不斷的發生。當到了公司後,他才發現老闆竟然是為了這樣的事情而把他給叫來。終於,他忍不住了...
