Like a Tender Breeze in Time (時光之絆)

Our friendship is just like a tender breeze in time.

Kuo Hsiang (Kaori), daughter of a tea merchant in 1947 Twatiutia, appears in 2014 modern Taipei. Having no idea what brought her here, Kaori only knows that it is the day when Guangdong Yi-Jen Yuan Chinese Opera Troupe reunited for a local Chinese Opera in Yung-Le-Tso Theatre after Taiwan Restoration.

It is also the reunion date for Kaori and her best friend, Ke Shi-Chiou (Akiko) for a promise they made as Akiko left Taiwan for Japan because of the end of WWII. However, neither Yung-Le-Tso Theatre nor Guangdong Yi-Jen Yuan Chinese Opera Troupe exists anymore.

In this very afternoon, Kaori steps upon the staircase of No. 67, Di Hua St. where Akiko’s father’s dental clinic used to be, yet now, it is a teahouse.

She doesn’t know who will show up eventually but still holds strong belief in their friendship. Kaori holds firmly the letter they exchanged, keeps waiting silently, in Twatiutia 2014...
