Helianthus (向日葵)

"Mother is learning."

KL48Hours Film Project Kuala Lumpur is a challenging event in which you have to complete the entire film process, from a script to the final short film in just 48hours! This event runs in more than 100 cities around the world.

Participants are required to draw their genres from a 'Genre Hat', then given 3 elements to be inserted into the short film. For us, we had: 

  1. Yus @ Yusri Ahmad the Dancer
  2. A dialogue: 'Whats taking you so long'.
  3. A Measuring Tape.

Our Drawn Genre: Film de Femme


KL48Hours Film Project Kuala Lumpur 是一項參賽者必須限制的48小時內,完成劇本直到拍攝的短片競賽!而這項賽事更是在全世界超過100城市中舉行。

參賽者必須從"Genre Hat”中抽取影片中必須出現的重要元素。而我們抽獲了:

  1. Yus @ Yusri Ahmad the Dancer
  2. A dialogue: 'Whats taking you so long'.
  3. A Measuring Tape

我們抽獲的影片種類:Film de Femme
