Health. Peace. Happiness

We take a journey with two ailing women in their final days, as their life force drains slowly out of them with each passing moment.

Mdm Tan Siew Cheng, the bubbly optimist of the two, warmed up to the crew from the start, making us feel at home in a place no normal person would hope to be in for too long. Frail and petit as her corporeal frame was, her fiery eyes betrayed the fighter and strict mother that she was underneath. Mdm Tan would also be the key person to unlock the heart of Mdm Soon Mee Siah - her fellow ward mate.

Unlike Mdm Tan, Mdm Soon was shrouded by a constant gloom and riddled with fear and uncertainty. Her struggle to find hope as she came to terms with the reality of her condition led her to question the meaning of life, and death itself.
