
"Three vulnerable individuals succumb to the harsh realities of life in this multi-narrative drama. HANNA, a Korean teenager who left home to study in Singapore, deals with the loneliness she faces in a foreign country, pregnancy, and a boyfriend who cheats on her. MARK, a divorced man, suffers from a terminal illness. He hides this fact from his daughter and ex-wife. Due to this illness, he decides to let his daughter leave with his ex-wife for America. AH MUI is a 60-year-old widow who lost her daughter half a year ago, and is still reeling from the emotional setback. 

The three of them lose faith in life and resort to pessimistic ways to escape from their problems. MARK and HANNA choose to end their lives, while AH MUI lives with the delusion that her daughter is still alive. On a particular morning, the three characters unknowingly cross paths and unknowingly play a part in changing the destiny of one another’s lives. This touching and meaningful story circles around the idea that even though the unpredictability of life may be overwhelming at times, hope will turn it all around if we choose to take life’s challenges in our stride.
