An short tale Balanse Madam of Muaro Batang Arau

The history of the existence of the Balanse Madam Dance cannot be separated from the presence of the Portuguese on the west coast of the island of Sumatra. The Batang Arau estuary area, from the port entrance, is the forerunner of the growth and development of the city of Padang to this day, which started with the growth of commercial activities in the area. This area began to be crowded when the Portuguese came to trade with the city of Padang at that time. Judging from the presence of the Portuguese in Padang as traders, various ethnic groups came at the same time, including Minang, Chinese, Indian, and Nias people, who came and settled in the estuary area of Batang Arau, as seen from the remains of old buildings, places of Chinese worship, and the village of the rivet. This cultural acculturation gave birth to the Balanse Madam dance.
