Kaohsiung Film Festival (高雄電影節)
Kaohsiung Festival is one of Taiwan’s major festival, sponsored by Bureau of Cultural Affairs Kaohsiung City Government & Kaohsiung Film Archive. It’s the biggest annual film event in southern Taiwan, preceded only by Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival and Taipei Film Festival, and is one of the top three film festivals in Taiwan. For the expansion of Kaohsiung International Film Festival, the city’s festival plans to transit into an international film festival, developing short films further as part of a long term developmental strategy and goal. The Kaohsiung International Film Festival Short Film Competition started in 2011, seeking for works that fall under 25 minutes or less, and not limited to any genres. It started forming alliances with other international film festivals, including a long term collaboration with Asia’s largest short film festival (Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia) in Tokyo since 2011. Year after year of development, Kaohsiung Short Film Competition has now become Taiwan’s most credible professional short film festival, and in 2015, received the world’s largest short film festival (Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival)’s invitation to attend Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Exhibition Market with a booth. Hence, launching Taiwanese short films onto the world stage.
高雄電影節是台灣的一個大型電影節,由高雄市政府文化局、高雄市電影館主辦,為南臺灣年度最大影視盛會,僅次於金馬影展與台北電影節,為台灣前三大影展之一。為擴展高雄電影節國際化,企圖由城市影展轉型為國際影展,並以發展短片作為影展長期發展策略與目標,於2011年起辦理高雄電影節國際短片競賽,對全世界徵求25分鐘以下,不限類型的短片,並開始與國際影展進行 結盟,包含2011年起長期與亞洲最大短片影展日本東京國際短片影展(Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia )策略結盟,高雄電影節國際短片競賽經逐年發展已成為台灣地區最大且具公信力的專業短片影展,並於2015年獲世界最大短片影展—法國克萊蒙費鴻短片影展(Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival)邀請,前往法國克萊蒙費鴻短片影展市場展設攤,將台灣短片推向世界舞台。
高雄電影節國際短片競賽報名網頁: http://www.kff.tw/kffapply
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